Wednesday, June 3, 2015


A voice--
the intricate wonder
of muscle and tissue
perfectly shaped to
mold the breath that gives us
life into vibrations of sound,
intimately joining the essence of
life with human physicality to express
the glorious seat of human meaning--thought.

A thought--
the firing of synapses,
brain waves constantly
moving, working,
controlling the movements of
eyes, ears, nose, fingers,
processing the data received by
the body into words and forms in
an attempt to make sense of surroundings
which ends and begins, cycling, seeking understanding--reflection.

A reflection--
a seeing-back,
the perusal of thoughts
and imaginings as they return
home from the mind from which they
came, pointless if left unexamined,
beautiful when cherished, its treasures intimately
unearthed, brushed off, polished to shine in the sun
of God-self-communal discovery,
finally taking on visceral form as fingers hit keys,
cords vibrate in the throat, and seeing-back midwifes expression--voice

Raspy, youthful,
boisterous, quiet,
female, male,
wizened, or naive,
voice vibrates the powerful
communication of self.
Whether on the tip of the tongue
or welling out of the soul's depths,
the voice sends forth the identity of a person
to be heard and understood by the world.
And my voice, well it is mine, and no one else's,
But only in its sharing do I vulnerably open the
great risk and treasure of neighboring.

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